
纽约,纽约- 2000年11月1日-雅芳产品公司总裁兼首席执行官钟彬娴被选为哥伦比亚长老会医疗中心颁发的杰出服务奖,以表彰她对妇女健康的诸多贡献。该奖项将在2000年11月9日举行的医疗中心咨询委员会秋季会议上授予钟彬娴。在钟彬娴的领导下,雅芳在美国和世界各地女性健康和福祉方面发挥着越来越大的作用。10月,她宣布,支持30个国家项目的雅芳全球妇女健康基金(Avon Worldwide Fund for Women’s Health)的资金已超过1亿美元,她承诺到2002年底将达到2亿美元。哥伦比亚长老会的赫伯特·欧文综合癌症中心是全美5个学术研究中心之一,也是纽约唯一一个在3月份从雅芳乳腺癌运动收到220万美元的学术研究中心,上个月又收到了雅芳1000万美元的捐赠。该中心正在利用这笔资金推进乳腺癌研究,并为医疗服务不足的乳腺癌患者提供护理。杰出服务奖由哥伦比亚长老会健康科学咨询委员会颁发。该委员会每年举行两次会议,向对医学研究表现出坚定兴趣、鼓励这一领域的发展和提高国家一级认识的个人颁发该奖项。“我们很高兴今天有机会向荣格女士和雅芳女士在乳腺癌医学研究、教育和支持服务方面的重大贡献表示敬意,”哥伦比亚大学内科医生和外科医生学院研究临时主任David Hirsh博士说。“雅芳对重要临床和研究工作的持续支持将对与这种致命疾病的斗争产生长期影响,”哥伦比亚大学内科医生和外科医生学院教育和临床事务临时主任托马斯·q·莫里斯博士说。 “On behalf of Avon, I am extremely proud to receive the Award for Distinguished Service,” Ms. Jung declares. “Corporations can have dreams, and at Avon our dream is to see the eradication of breast cancer. We are able to mobilize thousands of individuals to raise funds for access to care and finding a cure for breast cancer, and we will continue until the disease is defeated.” Dr. Herbert Pardes, president and CEO of New York-Presbyterian Hospital, applauded Ms. Jung for the determined pursuit of her dream of eradicating breast cancer. “Because of the generous support of the Avon Breast Cancer Crusade, the Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center is able to provide greater access to breast cancer screening and treatment services for medically underserved women and to intensify its level of biomedical research directed toward finding a cure for this disease. We are committed to making her dream a reality.” This Award for Distinguished Service is the first to be given jointly by Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons and New York-Presbyterian Hospital’s Columbia–Presbyterian campus. Formerly known as the Dean’s Award for Distinguished Service, the award has been previously given to Rob Reiner, Mary Lasker, Rosalynn Carter, Tipper Gore, Anna Wintour, Dr. Michael DeBakey, and Congressman Charles Rangel.


