
纽约,NY - 2001年4月27日 - 一种工业排放,排气和香烟烟雾的有毒成分,一氧化碳通过替换血液中的氧分子来氧气氧气。暴露于一氧化碳可以具有致命的后果。但令人惊讶的是,根据哥伦比亚大学研究人员的一项新的研究,当血管被阻断时,一氧化碳也可能具有挽救效果,例如心脏病发作或中风。研究的作者说,结果“指向吸入一氧化碳的潜在治疗用途”。本文发表于愿愿对自然医学问题。领导作者David J.Pinsky,M.D.,哥伦比亚大学医师和外科医生医学院副教授,也有必要谨慎。“还有更多的工作来确定这是有用的条件和安全的剂量,”他说。“与许多有益的其他分子一样,它们的太多可能具有致命作用。”根据作者,一氧化碳(CO)似乎有助于将血流恢复到因器官受到抑制的器官。它通过增强身体自身的凝块溶解机制并通过扩张血管来实现。 The researchers demonstrated the results in mice. At lower than lethal doses, it seems, “CO can paradoxically either imperil or salvage tissue by disparate mechanisms,” the authors report. The body itself produces carbon monoxide when a part of the organism becomes oxygen-starved due to blood vessel blockage, a condition called ischemia. The carbon monoxide is created as part of a natural process in which an enzyme called heme oxygenase type 1 breaks down vital molecules called hemes, when the cells carrying them wear out. Through as-yet poorly understood mechanisms, heme oxygenase type 1 levels rise during ischemia, stepping up this process and increasing carbon monoxide levels. Carbon monoxide next activates an enzyme called guanylate cyclase, which aids in blood vessel dilation and eases the way for blood flow, restoring needed oxygen to the tissues. This, in turn, prevents other harmful processes, such as the activation of a gene that leads to increased production of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1. This is a substance that inhibits dissolution of blood clots, and therefore would worsen the condition if allowed to function. In this process, carbon monoxide’s activation of guanylate cyclase may be especially critical. This is because during ischemia, there is a steep drop in the levels of the compound that usually does this job, nitric oxide. Future research will include a more detailed analysis of the molecular processes involved and studies of other situations in which carbon monoxide may have benefits Dr. Pinsky said. The research was supported by the U.S. Public Health Service of the National Institutes of Health.



