

纽约,2001年7月11日-博士。哥伦比亚大学内科和外科医生学院临床儿科和临床麻醉学副教授霍华德·朱克(Howard Zucker)被选为今年的白宫奖学金项目,该项目被广泛认为是美国领导力和公共服务的首要项目之一。朱克博士22岁时毕业于乔治华盛顿大学医学院,随后又获得了福特汉姆大学(法学博士)和哥伦比亚大学(法学硕士)的法律学位。他从大约700名申请人中脱颖而出,从仅有的12个名额中脱颖而出。“我对医疗政策感兴趣,对法律和医学相结合的许多领域感兴趣,”41岁的朱克说。我希望能把我的临床经验和学历运用到各个领域的行政上。”朱克博士将于下个月被通知他的工作安排和工作任务。他说,他热切地期待着他的奖学金开始,该奖学金将从2001年9月持续到2002年8月。“在这个项目中发生的知识和经验的交流是巨大的,”朱克博士说。“我想,到奖学金年度结束时,我会更好地了解行政部门的政策是如何制定的。随着越来越多的医疗问题影响我们的未来,医生了解公共政策决策过程的机制非常重要。”1993年,朱克被选为美国广播公司(ABC)《今夜世界新闻》(World News)的“每周人物”,因为他发起了儿科重症监护室团聚活动,帮助孩子们庆祝康复。 He has been listed in Best Doctors in America for the past five years; is board-certified in pediatric cardiology, critical care, and anesthesiology; sits on the New York City Bar Association's "Science and the Law" subcommittee; and serves as a consultant to the American Museum of Natural History's exhibit titled “The Genomic Revolution.” While still in college, Dr. Zucker worked at McGill University and at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, designing experiments for the Space Shuttle program. Dr. Zucker is a founding member of the Little Hearts Foundation (which raises money to cure congenital heart disease) and has traveled on medical missions to China with the Children of China Pediatrics Foundation, helping orphans in need of reconstructive surgery. Since 1964, the White House Fellowship program has offered outstanding young Americans the opportunity to participate in the day-to-day business of governing the nation. Individuals work full time as either a special assistant to a cabinet member or to a senior presidential advisor—and participate in an education program designed to nurture and develop leadership skills. Previous White House fellows include Secretary of State Colin Powell, U.S. senator Sam Brownback, Wall Street Journal columnist Paul Gigot, and historian Doris Kearns Goodwin.

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