
纽约1月26日,1998年 - 研究员在医生及外科医生哥伦比亚大学已发现了与脱发有关的第一个人类基因。新的基因,称为无毛,是与遗传秃顶的严峻形式,并且可以触发,关于整个人类毛发周期圈。这一发现可能会导致更好地了解毛发周期,并最终更有效的治疗各种形式的脱发。这项研究,在科学的1月30日报道的问题,表明该基因启动刺激头发生长一连串的事件。沿着这条途径的每个步骤可以为男性型脱发和其它形式的脱发,脱发或新的线索。“这个新基因的发现为我们提供了无限的可能性,可能使我们能够有效治疗脱发和秃顶可能在未来五年内,”主要研究员安吉拉M.克里斯蒂博士说,皮肤科的赫伯特·欧文助理教授哥伦比亚长老。“现在是我们力所能及的设计方法以长出头发,除毛,甚至基因染发和 - 迄今为止最好 - 这都是可以局部完成,减少了可能的副作用。”克里斯蒂博士的研究小组注意到,已经在皮肤科研究中使用了近50年和秃头称为涉及整个身体脱发普秃一种罕见的遗传形式的无毛小鼠之间惊人的相似之处。研究人员依赖于从受在巴基斯坦一个村庄无序家庭遗传信息。 By comparing the known mouse gene with human chromosomes, the team identified the first healthy trigger gene for hair growth and the mutation that causes this type of alopecia. The several forms of alopecia represent a disruption in the cycle of human hair growth. The most common type of hair loss, known as androgenetic alopecia, or male pattern baldness, is believed to affect some 80 percent of the population. Other forms, such as alopecia areata, a common disease affecting 2.5 million people in the United States, are thought to be related to autoimmune disfunction or stress. The molecular basis of these forms of alopecia remains a mystery. "With the hairless gene, the real basis of hair loss can begin to be understood," says Christiano. "We can now look at the cause -- the genes themselves -- with the understanding that hormones are important but not primary." Current treatments for hair loss focus on the regulation of the hormones involved in hair loss. Treatment for male pattern baldness traditionally has focused on hormonal regulation of the hair follicle for regrowth of hair, yet none of these approaches have provided any relief without significant side effects. But, says Christiano, "Hair follicles, like all cells, have cycles. This finding is the first indication that we may be able to regulate that cycle, triggering the growth of new hair. It may be possible, for instance, to treat hair loss through gene therapy administered topically via the hair follicles." The market potential for products to treat alopecia is one of the largest worldwide, encompassing pharmacological agents, over-the-counter medications, personal care products, surgical procedures, hair replacement, and wigs. Collectively, consumers spend an estimated $7 billion annually on treatments and procedures to counteract hair loss in the United States alone. Other investigators are Wasim Ahmad, Muhammad Faiyaz ul Haque, Valeria Brancolini, Hui C. Tsou, Sayed ul Haque, HaMut Lam, Vincent M. Aita, Jason Owen, Michelle deBlaquiere, Jorge Frank, Peter B. Cserhalmi-Friedman, Andrew Leask, John A. McGrath, Monica Peacocke, Mahmud Ahmad, and Jurg Ott. The study was supported in part by the National Alopecia Areata Foundation.

