
纽约,纽约- 2001年5月16日-哥伦比亚大学内科和外科学院(P&S)挑选了9名医科学生参加多丽丝杜克临床研究奖学金(CRF)计划,该计划鼓励医科学生从正式学校退学一年,以亲身体验临床研究,从而追求临床研究的职业生涯。P&S从多丽丝杜克基金会获得了62.5万美元,用于在5年半的时间里支持该项目。每年,七所参与的医学院将每家至少招收五名医科学生作为其CRF项目的研究员。P&S已承诺每年为额外的4名研究员提供匹配资金——这使之成为任何参与机构中最大的CRF项目。P&S的参与部门包括外科、神经外科、内科(内分泌科)、骨科外科、儿科、精神科(儿童精神科)和麻醉科。该基金将用于为9名医学院学生提供2万美元的奖学金。该计划将临床研究定义为研究员或同事直接与人类受试者互动的研究,例如与人类受试者或人类起源的材料进行的研究。“这是一个极好的机会,将为医学院学生提供宝贵的培训和临床研究经验,”唐纳德·兰德里博士说,他是P&S的医学副教授,也是哥伦比亚大学CRF项目的项目主任。“有兴趣从事临床研究的医生科学家的数量一直在减少。 At the same time, the demands on clinical researchers are increasing. We are grateful to the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation for having the insight to foster programs that will encourage students to consider clinical research in its most sophisticated form as a career choice.” Dr. Landry will manage the program and ensure that the fellows are matched with appropriate mentors. P&S received 27 applications from eligible U.S. medical students, which was among the highest number of applicants at any participating institution. In addition, nine of the 27 applicants were P&S students, placing P&S among the highest number of internal candidates. The following candidates have been offered admission and will begin their fellowships on July 1, 2001: Stephanie Conte, Columbia University; Alexander Coon, Columbia University; David Horgan, Columbia University; Grace Kim, Columbia University; Alexander Opotowsky, Columbia University; Brian Su, Columbia University; Michelle Denburg, Cornell University; Elizabeth Gerard, Mt. Sinai School of Medicine; and Daniel Sahlein, Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Other institutions participating in the CRF program are University of California at San Francisco School of Medicine, Washington University School of Medicine, the University of Iowa College of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, University of North Carolina Medical School at Chapel Hill, and the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas.

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