

2000年10月9日,纽约——哥伦比亚大学生理学和细胞生物物理学、精神病学、生物化学和分子生物物理学教授埃里克·r·坎德尔与瑞典哥德堡大学的阿维德·卡尔森和纽约洛克菲勒大学的保罗·格林加德共同获得2000年诺贝尔医学奖。感谢他们在神经科学领域的贡献。Kandel博士是霍华德休斯医学研究所的高级研究员,是美国国家科学院和美国哲学学会的成员,也是国家科学奖章的获得者。坎德尔对海蛞蝓海兔的开创性研究,证明了神经细胞改变对化学信号的反应,从而产生协调的行为变化的基本方式。海蛞蝓海兔的神经细胞相对较少,与脊椎动物相比,它的行为回路清晰可见。这项工作不仅对我们理解学习和记忆的基本过程至关重要,而且对突出许多作为精神活性药物靶点的细胞过程也至关重要。坎德尔的研究在将三种心理学定义的学习形式——习惯化、敏感化和经典条件化——与亚细胞过程和细胞间信号传导联系起来方面起到了关键作用。坎德尔博士在他的研究中发现,简单的行为可以由连接在不变回路中的独特神经细胞组来解释。坎德尔博士及其同事发现,学习改变行为不是通过改变基本的神经回路,而是通过调整神经细胞之间特定连接的强度。坎德尔博士和同事们还定义了一组基因和蛋白质,这些基因和蛋白质可以稳定突触连接,并触发新突触的生长。最近,坎德尔的实验室将这种方法从海兔的简单记忆形式扩展到哺乳动物更复杂的空间学习形式。 In response to calls for an integrated approach to understanding the biological basis of behavior, Columbia established the Center for Neurobiology and Behavior with Kandel as its director in 1975. The Center, comprising faculty with appointments in the departments of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics, Genetics and Development, Neurology, Pathology, Pharmacology, Physiology and Cellular Biophysics, and Psychiatry, applies research in these various disciplines to understanding the cellular and molecular basis of behavior, perception, and learning. “This is a marvelous and exciting moment for Eric Kandel and for Columbia University,” says Dr. David I. Hirsh, interim dean for research, Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons. “Dr. Kandel is a superb human being whose lifelong journey to understand the molecular basis of memory is one of the finest examples of what can result when true scholarship and dedication are combined with scientific brilliance.” Eric Kandel was born in Vienna, Austria in 1929 and emigrated from the Nazi-occupied country to the United States with his family in 1939. Educated at Harvard University and New York University School of Medicine, Dr. Kandel began his research career at the National Institute of Mental Health, where he studied mammalian brain neurophysiology with Wade Marshall. After completing his residency in clinical psychiatry, Dr. Kandel then began work as a staff psychiatrist at Massachusetts Mental Health Center in Boston while continuing research and teaching at Harvard Medical School. In 1965, Dr. Kandel was appointed associate professor in the Departments of Physiology and Psychiatry at his alma mater, New York University Medical School, and was promoted to full professor in 1968. Dr. Kandel came to Columbia University in 1974 as Professor of Physiology and Psychiatry, beginning his directorship of the newly formed Center for Neurobiology and Behavior shortly thereafter. Dr. Kandel became University Professor in 1983 and a Hughes Senior Investigator in 1984. Throughout his career, Dr. Kandel has maintained an active interest in clinical psychiatry, as well as in fostering the interchange of ideas between diverse disciplines examining the relationship between mind and brain.



哥伦比亚大学,Eric Kandel,纽约大学教授