

肖恩·肯尼夫,医学博士,来自热门电视节目“幸存者”,被任命为国家发言人纽约,纽约(2000年10月)——七年前,杰夫·塔拉洛还在考虑他是否能够庆祝他儿子的下一次棒球联赛胜利。14岁的克里斯托弗·塔拉洛(Christopher Tarallo)被诊断出患有脑瘤。经过成功的手术、放疗和化疗后,克里斯托弗恢复了健康,他的家人建立了“四大基金会”——以克里斯的棒球球衣号码命名,这是他在生病前作为一名成功的球员所穿的球衣号码。该基金会协助研究人员为患有脑瘤的儿童开发新的成功治疗方法。“该基金会的使命是提高患有脑瘤的儿童的治愈率,让他们和他们的父母免受这种可怕疾病的痛苦。只有通过研究,孩子们才能有机会完全自信地战胜脑瘤,”Four Foundation创始人杰夫·塔拉洛(Jeff Tarallo)说。“我们很自豪地支持由杰弗里·布鲁斯博士领导的哥伦比亚长老会脑瘤研究实验室的努力。Four基金会是我们家族回馈一家拯救了我们儿子生命的优秀机构的方式。”11月3日星期五,Four基金会将举办第五届年度晚宴舞会,以支持世界知名的脑肿瘤研究实验室和纽约婴儿儿童医院的儿科肿瘤研究项目。为了不让其他儿童和家庭痛苦,Four基金会慷慨解囊,并对婴儿儿童工作人员的专业护理表示感谢。 All proceeds from the evening will support ongoing programs, such as research scholars, throughout the year. “The Four Foundation’s research support efforts allow us to make significant contributions in the struggle against brain tumors,” says Jeffrey Bruce, M.D., associate professor of neurosurgery at Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons and Christopher’s doctor. “The Four Foundation’s dedication and contributions toward the goal of finding a cure for pediatric cancers represent a major coup in gaining support for many children stricken with brain tumors who are in desperate need of new and successful treatments,” says Darryl C. De Vivo, M.D., professor of neurology and pediatrics at Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons and director of the Neurology Division at Babies & Children’s Hospital of New York. Sean Kenniff, M.D., from the hit show “Survivor” will be the national spokesperson of the event which begins at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $100 per person. For more information, please call the Four Foundation at 201-265-8440.

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