
前列腺癌手术的挑战之一是在没有副作用的情况下切除受癌腺体。据估计,这种手术会导致一半男性长期性功能障碍。现在,哥伦比亚大学医学中心/纽约长老会医院泌尿外科医生发表的一项最新研究表明,一种新的激光技术与机器人前列腺癌手术结合使用,可能会降低对勃起和尿失禁所必需的关键神经造成损害的风险。这项初步研究发表在《腔内泌尿学杂志》(Journal of endurology) 7月份的网络版上,首次对CO2激光治疗前列腺癌进行了评估。这项研究最近也在旧金山举行的美国泌尿学协会年会上发表。“运动的精度可以通过机器人手术已经帮助减少性副作用的风险,和早期的证据是,二氧化碳激光将帮助我们更准确,尤其是当保护敏感神经领域所必需的性功能和控尿,”博士说Ketan Badani,哥伦比亚大学医学中心/纽约长老会医院机器人泌尿外科主任,哥伦比亚大学内科和外科学院泌尿学助理教授。二氧化碳激光器被广泛用于治疗头颈部癌症。一种新的,灵活的,基于纤维的输送系统现在使机器人前列腺癌手术的治疗方法成为可能。在手术过程中,巴达尼医生使用机器人仪器摘除病人的前列腺。 This process is aided by the laser, which is used to dissect the plane between the nerves and the prostate, freeing the nerves and preserving them. "Traditionally, we cut, clip or cauterize the tissue around the prostate nerves. However, these techniques can cause irreversible damage due to traction or heat injury," explains Dr. Badani. "The CO2 laser may reduce this risk because it is low-heat and doesn't require much manipulation of the nerves." The new study describes the use of the laser in 10 cases. It reports that the technology is easy to manipulate and very accurate. Patients experienced a return of urinary continence better than the norm, something the researchers found "extremely encouraging." Future research will determine if the technology can improve outcomes with regard to the ability of men to sustain an erection, and its long-term ability to prevent cancer recurrence. The laser technology, known as BeamPath, was provided by OmniGuide of Cambridge, Mass. OmniGuide BeamPath CO2 laser fibers are cleared for use by the FDA across a variety of open, endoscopic and laparoscopic soft-tissue cutting applications, including urology. The paper's first author is Dr. Philippa J. Cheetham, postdoctoral fellow at Columbia University Medical Center. Co-authors include Dr. Jaime M. Landman, associate professor of urology at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons and a urologist at NewYork-Presbyterian/Columbia; Matthew D. Truesdale, a medical student at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons; and Daniel J. Lee, postdoctoral fellow at Columbia University Medical Center. According to the American Cancer Society, prostate cancer is the second most common type of cancer found in American men, and the second leading cause of cancer death in men. In 2009, it is estimated that there were 192,280 new cases of prostate cancer and 27,360 deaths from prostate cancer in the United States alone. Columbia University Medical Center Columbia University Medical Center provides international leadership in basic, pre-clinical and clinical research, in medical and health sciences education, and in patient care. The medical center trains future leaders and includes the dedicated work of many physicians, scientists, public health professionals, dentists, and nurses at the College of Physicians and Surgeons, the Mailman School of Public Health, the College of Dental Medicine, the School of Nursing, the biomedical departments of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, and allied research centers and institutions. Established in 1767, Columbia's College of Physicians and Surgeons was the first institution in the country to grant the M.D. degree and is now among the most selective medical schools in the country. Columbia University Medical Center is home to the most comprehensive medical research enterprise in New York City and State and one of the largest in the United States. Columbia University Medical Center is affiliated with NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital, the nation's largest not-for-profit, non-sectarian hospital provider. For more information, please visitwww.cumc.columbia.edu.纽约长老会医院位于纽约市,是美国最大的非营利性、非教派医院,拥有2353张床位。该医院每年有近200万人次的住院和门诊病人,其中包括超过22万人次的急诊科病人,比任何其他地区的医院都多。纽约长老会提供最先进的住院,门诊和预防护理在所有领域的医学五大中心:纽约长老会医院/威尔康奈尔医学中心,纽约长老会医院/哥伦比亚大学医学中心,纽约长老会医院/摩根史坦利儿童医院,纽约长老会医院/艾伦医院和纽约长老会医院/韦斯切斯特分部。作为世界上最全面的医疗保健机构之一,医院致力于卓越的病人护理、研究、教育和社区服务。据《美国新闻与世界报道》报道,纽约长老会医院是纽约大都会区排名第一的医院,并一直名列全国最好的学术医疗机构之列。医院与美国两所顶尖医学院有学术联系:威尔康奈尔医学院和哥伦比亚大学内科和外科学院。欲了解更多信息,请访问www.nyp.org


