
1998年4月28日,纽约——更确凿的证据表明,在吸烟家庭中长大对肺功能有不利影响。哥伦比亚长老会医学中心的研究人员在芝加哥举行的美国肺协会/美国胸科协会国际会议上提出的一项研究强调,吸烟与母亲的关系最为密切。研究人员说,女孩似乎比男孩遭受更多的痛苦,这可能是因为女孩花在母亲身边的时间更多。Patrick L. Kinney, scd . Patrick L. Kinney, scd . Patrick L. Kinney,associate professor at the Columbia University School of Public Health, and co-workers measured lung function in 1,496 students (745 male, 751 female), none of whom had ever smoked, from three successive classes of freshmen at Yale University. The tests were performed in the spring, after the students had been away from home (and at least that exposure source) for several months, suggesting that any effects on their lungs were permanent. Using questionnaires, the investigators asked the students about members of their household who smoked during various periods as they were growing up.

我们获得了用力肺活量(FVC)、每秒用力呼气量(FEV1)和用力呼气流量分别为FVC的75%和25%至75% (FEF25和FEF2575)的数据,并根据身高、种族和性别进行了调整。在控制了社会经济地位和空气污染暴露后,研究人员发现,母亲在家中吸烟与FEF75和FEF2575的降低有关,但与FVC无关。

Kinney博士评论道:“儿童和青少年时期暴露在家庭吸烟环境中与成年早期肺功能下降有关。”“我们担心的是,当后备肺活量自然下降时,这些差异可能会持续到晚年。”# # #

