
纽约,纽约,2001年2月14日——经常感到沮丧或恼怒,容易发怒,经常发脾气的人可能患冠状动脉疾病的风险更高。哥伦比亚长老会医学中心(Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center)的研究人员正在开展一项研究,以调查一种已知能有效减少愤怒情绪和反应的简短心理治疗方案是否能改善心率特征,降低患冠状动脉疾病的风险。“我们的研究将着眼于减少愤怒治疗对大脑控制心率的影响,”理查德·斯隆博士说,他是哥伦比亚大学内科和外科医生学院的临床精神病学教授,也是这项研究的主要研究员。“我们相信认知行为治疗可以有效地降低一个人患冠状动脉疾病的风险。”这项研究包括一个为期12周的愤怒减少治疗项目,将从纽约大都会地区招募20-45岁的女性和男性。参与者将完成四份问卷和一个10分钟的访谈,以评估愤怒和相关的性格特征。表现出高度愤怒的个体将被随机分配到两组:一组立即开始认知行为治疗(CBT),另一组在12周后开始CBT。两组患者将接受相同的治疗,并在不同的时间线上参加相同的三个实验室课程。在每三个小时的实验期间,参与者将配备一个24小时连续心率记录仪、心电图电极、呼吸带和血压袖带。对诸如排练和发表五分钟演讲等任务的生理反应将被测量。 Participants will continue to wear the 24-hour recorder after leaving the lab as they go about their daily routines and will record activity information several times throughout the day. Counseling sessions will take place weekly for 12 consecutive weeks and involve relaxation techniques and strategies (both mental and behavioral) for managing anger more effectively. Participants will be directed to perform certain behavioral exercises in situations that have caused angry feelings or reactions in the past. Licensed clinical psychologists Ethan Gorenstein, Ph.D., and Catherine Monk, Ph.D., assistant professors at Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons, will conduct the counseling sessions. The laboratory is located at Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center in Northern Manhattan. All participants receive free counseling treatment and will be paid $225 for participating in the three laboratory sessions ($75 per session). To find out more about the study or to volunteer, call 212-305-6687.

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