

将宗教和精神性纳入医疗保健的日益流行的趋势是道德和科学上的,一群哥伦比亚长老会研究人员和来自医疗保健Chaplaincy的Chaplins本周在新英格兰医学杂志上写道。“宗教和医学同样重要的学科,不应该混合。结合它们导致科学,淹水宗教,宗教疲软和一系列重大问题,“评论的主要作者博士博士说。斯隆博士指挥哥伦比亚 - 长老医疗中心的行为医学计划,是哥伦比亚大学医师和外科医生精神病学系的副教授。作者评估了对指控的研究,以至于经验证据支持宗教与健康之间的联系。这些研究中的大多数都有严重的方法论缺陷。甚至近来,开展的研究表明宗教服务和卫生之间的出席与卫生之间的协会,不能证明宗教活动实际上导致更好的健康结果,以至于携带比赛和肺癌之间的知识关联并不意味着与匹配导致癌症的表现相同。“没有研究证据表明,故意增加教会出勤会影响个人的健康或疾病,”哥伦比亚大学公共卫生学院生物统计学系的助理教授。作者还评估了宗教活动向患者提供舒适感的频繁声称,而医生可以在没有研究证据的情况下关注它。“关于宗教活动的医生建议通常会使许多患者的同一当局作为医疗建议,”牧师拉里·弗兰克,D。闵,医疗保健牧师牧师和牧师牧师研究总监和纸张的共同作者。 “Patients can easily view such recommendations as coercive, since religion is considered a private matter.” Chaplain Margot Hover, D. Min., Clinical Pastoral Education supervisor and chaplain at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and another co-author of the article, cited the conflict that religion frequently produces due to disagreements over diverse practices and beliefs among families. “Raising the profile of religion without knowing how to address the issue does not bring comfort,” she says. “Religion can be more sensitive than sex or money. Engaging patients about religious concerns requires skills for which physicians are generally not trained.” The authors cast doubt on studies suggesting that patients want religious matters incorporated into their medical care. They asserted that most studies report only a minority of patients want physicians to address their spiritual concerns and that these patients are not representative of the population as a whole. They noted that these studies usually report results from family practice settings, a specialty known for building relationships with patients, and that results might be very different if, for example, surgery patients were studied instead. Finally, when physicians make recommendations about religious activity in the service of better health, it not only represents bad science but it trivializes religion, reducing it to a mere health behavior like consuming a low-fat diet. “Religion does not need science to justify its existence or appeal,” the authors conclude. Co-authors of the article from The HealthCare Chaplaincy also include Carlo Casalone, S.J., M.D., of the HealthCare Chaplaincy; Trudi Jinpu Hirsch, Zen Buddhist and supervisory resident at Beth Israel Medical Center; Imam Yusuf H. Hasan, Muslim staff chaplain at Memorial Sloan -Kettering Cancer Center; Rabbi Ralph Kreger, Orthodox Rabbinic chaplain at Lenox Hill Hospital and the Hospital for Special Surgery; Peter Poulos, Greek Orthodox chaplain, clinical pastoral education supervisor, and director of the Department of Pastoral Care at New York Methodist Hospital in Brooklyn.


Carlo Casalone,Chaplain Margot Hover,临床田园教育,哥伦比亚大学