
纽约,纽约——2001年8月8日——哥伦比亚长老会医学中心(CPMC)放射科被选为一项使用CAT扫描筛查早期肺癌的大规模研究的试验点。哥伦比亚长老会医院是被选为这个全州项目(被称为纽约早期癌症行动项目,或NY-ELCAP)的11家总部位于纽约的机构之一,该项目将重点检测多达1万名高风险纽约人在癌症最早和最可治疗阶段的疾病。这项研究还将使研究人员有机会仔细研究肺癌可能的遗传和环境原因。“这项研究不仅对实验室的研究人员有意义,它还可以对肺癌高危人群的生活产生切实和直接的影响,”CPMC首席研究员、哥伦比亚大学内科和外科医学院放射学教授、哥伦比亚长老会医学中心胸部放射学主任John H.M. Austin医学博士说。“这种手术在肺癌发展早期挽救生命的潜力是巨大的。”肺癌是美国癌症死亡的主要原因,每年导致16万美国人死亡。这个总数比乳腺癌、前列腺癌和结肠癌的死亡人数加起来还要多,这三种癌症是导致癌症相关死亡的主要原因。肺癌的5年生存率为12%,但如果及早发现并切除癌症结节,则可以跃升至70%以上。为了符合这项研究的资格,参与者必须是60岁及以上的吸烟者或戒烟者,有每天一包烟的习惯10年(或每天两包烟的习惯5年),没有癌症史,并且身体健康。符合这项研究标准的人将每隔一年接受两次快速、安全、无痛的胸部CAT扫描——对他们来说是免费的。 In return, participants will be asked to complete a questionnaire, donate blood, and undergo lab tests as part of the screening study. If necessary and appropriate, patients also will be invited to participate in a comprehensive smoking-cessation program and referred for immediate follow-up medical consultations. NY-ELCAP is distinguished by its commitment to serving the widest segment of the public as possible—with a specific focus on reaching out to minority populations, largely because research has shown that lung cancer affects minorities at disproportionately high rates. (For example, in the mid-1990s, the mortality rate among African-American men with lung cancer was nearly double that of Caucasian men with the disease.) NY-ELCAP is sponsored by the Academic Medicine Development Corporation (AMDeC), a New York-based consortium of academic medical centers, medical schools and major research institutions that was created in 1997 to address several critical challenges related to the future of biomedical research statewide. NY-ELCAP has also received more than $6.5 million in financial support from a number of noteworthy state organizations—including Empire Blue Cross and Blue Shield, the New York State Legislature, the Starr Foundation, the New York Community Trust, and the City of New York (whose contribution was allocated from a portion of a settlement fund resulting from litigation against tobacco manufacturers). Prospective study participants can contact Columbia Presbyterian directly at 212-305-6849 for more information or to enroll.

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